
  • How long can I expect for shipping?

    • * For other countries, please ask our sales staff.

      * For other countries, please ask our sales staff.
  • Do I have to Pay Import Duty?
    • Some countries are exempt from import duty/tax depending on the total purchase amount.

      Many countries also do not charge tax if your total order value is under USD 50. Some countries have a higher freight cost as we will divide your items into separate shipments to avoid going over 50 USD. For these destinations and those considered high-tax countries, you will have items shipped separately and may or may not have tax. Please check with your local authorities if your country is listed as a high tax destination.

      Express Shipping is an option at a higher cost where we can send to you faster and cover the additional tax and duties for you.

      For additional questions, feel free to chat with our online chat representative and we will offer any information we may have available.


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